Retail Sales (May 2020)
- Retail Sales month/month +17.7%. Previous was -14.7%
- Retail Sales less autos month/month +12.4%. Previous was -15.2%
- Less Autos & Gas month/month +10.6%. Previous was -14.4%
Retail Sales were -6.1% year/year. Retail Sales is the main contributor to GDP.
This data reveals little about the underlying economy rather stating that Retail Sales are low when stores are closed by local government mandates.
Clothing was +188.0%. Furniture and Furnishings was +89.7%. Sporting Goods was +88.2.
Source: Census Bureau Details:
Redbook Chain Store Sales (week ended 6/13/2019)
- Same Store Sales year/year -8.3%. Previous was -9.7%.
- Same Store Sales month/month -2.4%%. Previous was -3.2%.
Source: Redbook Research Inc.
Industrial Production (May 2020)
- Production month/month +1.4%. Previous was -12.5%
- Manufacturing month/month +3.8%. Previous was -15.5%
- Capacity Utilization Rate 64.8%. Previous was 64.0%
The supply side is reopening more slowly than the demand side.
Source: Federal Reserve Details:
Business Inventories (April 2020)
- Inventories month/month -1.3%. Previous was -0.2%.
Source: Census Details:
This is a component of 2ndQ GDPGDP
Housing Market Index (June 2020)
- Housing Market Index 58. Previous was 37.
This is a survey index conducted by the National Association of Home Builders asking builders two things 1) the general state of the economy and 2) their view about building and selling homes in the next six months.
Source: National Association of Home Builders