Rate Watch #1192 – Why I Don’t Watch News on TV
May 28, 2019
by Dick Lepre
TV News
I used to be a TV cable news junkie but stopped watching news on TV about a dozen years ago.
I have two big issues with TV news. The first is that TV news format does not allow taking the time to explain things. This is most easily understood with things about the economy. It uses a format which allows perhaps 20 seconds to explain what is behind the jobs report or the GDP report. The consequence is that a 20 second simple explanation may be completely incorrect when a 60 second explanation is needed.
The larger problem I have is that media and most especially the three cable news networks are not in the business of objective reporting. These are businesses existing to make money. Most of the money they make comes from advertising. Advertising revenue is a function of viewership. These networks and for that matter most other media outlets do not attempt to objectively report or analyze news. They slant their reporting to reassure their viewers that their opinions were and still are correct. The proposition has become “Tune in this evening and we will reassure you that everything that happened today guarantees that none of your views need changing.” This reassurance attracts viewers and reporting to the bias of viewers is the core of their business plan.
I do not really have a problem with this. If this is what sells and TV makes money with this business model and provides employment to folks that is fine.
The larger issue is that too many people want to watch or read that which reinforces their existing beliefs. This is a form of confirmation bias. One sees this on social media where people post an opinion and say something to the effect of “If you do agree with this go ahead and unfriend me.” This attitude is limiting. How does one learn anything without reading or listening to people who have different opinion than they do? This is not a case of completely giving up one’s view and accepting the opposite. It is more a matter of slightly expanding one’s view to include something you did not think of previously.
The issue with cable new bias is compounded by the fact that it has become the main source of news for many. Newspaper circulation is falling. This leaves cable news as the main source for national and international news. It remains to be seen of the internet can provide local news with sites such as Patch.
This is not about Trump. The reporting biased to the beliefs of viewers was happening long before Trump but since he is so polarizing it may be more obvious now.
This is not about “fake news” if that expression means hoaxes or disinformation. It is more about reporting to the bias of the audience for financial reasons. If that’s what people want, that’s what they will get.
Dick Lepre
Senior Loan Advisor
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